Conflict on Issuance of Land Certificates in Conservation Area: Legal Responsibility of BPN

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Irsan Haerudin Akif
AM Yunus Wahid
Andi Suriyaman M. Pide
Syamsul Bachri
Asri Sarif, Sarni


Land Conflicts can occur due to practices of eliminating local people's recognition (rights) to land and the natural resources that accompany it, which can be caused by differences in maps owned by the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment with maps owned by the National Land Agency so that there are certificates of ownership that have been issued that are included in the national park area. The research method used is normative legal research, namely legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data from government and private agencies, reports of existing study results, and other relevant sources. This research concludes that the issuance of land title certificates by the BPN is a legal act in the field of State Administration. Any attempt to certify the same land can be immediately known and prevented by the BPN. Before or after determining a conservation area on community-owned land, the government first conducts an inventory of the rights in the region, which aims to collect land owned by the community in the conservation area whose legal status will be determined and provide a solution. Suppose a certificate's physical data and legal data can be proven legally/legally flawed or incorrect. In that case, it will be canceled by a decision of the State Administrative Court. The responsibility of the BPN for certificates that have been canceled by the State Administrative Court, which has legal force, must be followed up to revoke or cancel the certificate.

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How to Cite
Akif, I. H., Wahid, A. Y., Pide, A. S. M., Bachri, S., & Sarni, A. S. (2024). Conflict on Issuance of Land Certificates in Conservation Area: Legal Responsibility of BPN. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 981-986.

How to Cite

Akif, I. H., Wahid, A. Y., Pide, A. S. M., Bachri, S., & Sarni, A. S. (2024). Conflict on Issuance of Land Certificates in Conservation Area: Legal Responsibility of BPN. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 981-986.