Exploring the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Stress on Employee Performance in Construction Sector

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Khairunnisa Abdul Aziz
Norashikin Ahmad
Nazrolnizah Mohamad Noorzeli
Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz
Muhammad Ashraf Fauzi
Azim Azuan Osman


The survival and competitiveness of a business depends greatly on the employee’s performance. Organization frequently analyzes employee performance to determine whether or not employees are performing, and if the evaluation reveals that some employees are not performing, the management must then determine the cause of the underperformance and provide interventions to address the problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of job satisfaction, motivation and stress on employee performance in construction sector. A quantitative method was used in this study and data was collected from 251 respondents from construction employees via online questionnaires. There were three hypotheses were developed. This study used PLS-SEM software to analyze the data. It was found that job satisfaction and work motivation have significant and positive influence while work stress have significant and negative influence on employee performance. The present paper concludes that these three factors play important role in employee performance among construction employees. Form the theoretical perspective, by identifying the present issue facing the organization and taking steps to address it, this research will provide the researchers with new insight for them on significant influence of job satisfaction, work motivation and work stress on employee performance. From the practical aspect, this research is beneficial to the employees in the organizations in improving their employee performance. Focusing on significant factors such as job satisfaction, work motivation and work stress able to increase the employee performances and subsequently the overall organizational performance. In this study it was noted that focusing on the factors such as job satisfaction, work motivation and work stress can enhance work performance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Aziz, K. A., Ahmad, N., Noorzeli, N. M., Aziz, N. A. A., Fauzi, M. A., & Osman, A. A. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Stress on Employee Performance in Construction Sector. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 848-855. https://doi.org/10.53935/jomw.v2024i4.550

How to Cite

Aziz, K. A., Ahmad, N., Noorzeli, N. M., Aziz, N. A. A., Fauzi, M. A., & Osman, A. A. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Stress on Employee Performance in Construction Sector. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 848-855. https://doi.org/10.53935/jomw.v2024i4.550