The Effectiveness of Boarding School-Based Principals Social Competence on School Environment Welfare at Islamic Junior High Schools
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The objective of this study was to find out boarding school-based principals social competence whose programs and policies influenced school environment welfare improvement in all aspects of life at SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta and SMP Insan Cendekia Mujtaba'Sukoharjo. The research method used in this study was a qualitative approach with descriptive research approach. The data in this study was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data was analyzed using Miles, Hubermen, and Sardana Model covering data collection, data simplification, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that the success of the leadership of boarding school-based principals was greatly influenced by the social competence they possessed. It was supported by several important factors that have been carried out. 1) Establishing cooperation with related parties for the progress of the school. 2) Communicating effectively, and managing emotions well in solving all school problems. 3). Actively participate in community social activities 4) Have social sensitivity to the conditions and needs of the school environment. The effectiveness of the boarding school-based principals social competence on school environment welfare had very large influence on improving the welfare of the community in all aspects. It was indicated by many economic activities of the neighborhood. Community businesses include food stalls, groceries, photocopying, stationery, laundry, online motorcycle taxi services, counters and others, thus strengthening the harmonious relationship between school residents and the surroundings.