The effect of employer attractiveness and CSR on recruiting potential gen Y workers: Investigation of the tourism industry in Thailand
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The study aims to examine the dimension of employer attractiveness and CSR among potential Gen Y employees, explore how employer attractiveness and CSR influence their intention to pursuit job, and develop a structural model of intention to pursuit job among potential Gen Y job seekers in tourism sector. A total of two hundred Gen Y respondents participated in the study through convenience sampling method. Data was analyzed with multiple stages including EFA, CFA and SEM. Three underlying factors emerged for CSR support include society concern, employee concern, and customer and government concern. Additionally, the findings confirmed the theoretical concept of employer attractiveness consisting of five dimensions, development, social, interest, economic and application value. SEM analysis indicated a good fit with empirical data (CMIN/DF = 1.78, RMSEA = 0.06, CFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.91). The results revealed employer attractiveness and CSR support had positive influence on reputation and effect on Gen Y’s intention to apply for job in the tourism industry. Employer attractiveness and CSR support can act as strategic tools. HR executives should develop a recruitment plan to draw Gen Y to the business, as well as enhance their industry-wide reputation. Fun-Fair-Flexible work environment should be implemented and communicated to target applicants. Digital strategy should be applied via online advertising and social media to communicate to both internal and external stakeholders.