The Impact of Blockchain Technology and Big Data on Strategic Cost Management and Accountants' Skills in the Iraqi Technological Environment
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Blockchain technology and big data have transformed accounting and strategic cost management in Iraq's rapidly developing technological environment. Blockchain technology provides transparency, security, and the ability to track accounting records, which greatly improves financial statements and enables more accurate and real-time cost tracking and resource allocation. Block Chain certification requires accountants to learn digital ledger management, smart contracts, and decentralized finance system compliance, as well as big data analytics to analyses large data sets, identify cost-saving opportunities, and predict strategic trends. These advances require ongoing learning and adaptation to technologies, as well as data privacy and system security. The study examines how technological advances affect accounting and cost management methods, particularly in Iraq's economic and technological context. The study's main findings were that blockchain technology collects data and information on all transactions within time-series blocks, forming a chain called the blockchain, each of which contains information related to the previous block, making it impossible to modify any block without modifying the entire chain, and big data is an important stage of information and communication development.