Competitive Advantage and Innovation Capability: Can It Optimize the Export Marketing Performance of SMEs Coffee in Central Java Indonesia?

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Rohwiyati Rohwiyati
Tulus Haryono
Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan
Lilik Wahyudi
Endang Dwi Amperawati
Mi'raj Akbar Pradianto
Agus Dwianto


Phenomenon, coffee SMEs are constrained in achieving competitive advantage which has an impact on suboptimal export marketing performance, innovation capability plays a role as a strategy to strengthen competitiveness to achieve better results in export marketing performance while still focusing on market orientation. Objectives, to test and analyze the direct and indirect influence of MO (CSO and CMO) on EMP through CA and the role of IC on the influence of CA on EMP. Novelty, provides strategic insight for Indonesian coffee SMEs, the importance of exploring available resources to solve competitive advantage problems that will have an impact on export marketing performance. A total of 212 Central Java Indonesian coffee SMEs as samples. Data analysis using PLS-SEM. Findings: MO dimensions (CSO and CMO) significantly have a positive relationship to competitive advantage (CA), but its influence on export marketing performance (EMP) is only significant for CSO, while the influence of CA on EMP is also significant. Further evidence, CA can link both MO dimensions to EMP. The role of innovation capability is proven to strengthen the influence of CA on EMP.

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How to Cite
Rohwiyati, R., Haryono, T., Setiawan, A. I., Wahyudi, L., Amperawati, E. D., Pradianto, M. A., & Dwianto, A. (2025). Competitive Advantage and Innovation Capability: Can It Optimize the Export Marketing Performance of SMEs Coffee in Central Java Indonesia?. Journal of Management World, 2025(2), 151-158.

How to Cite

Rohwiyati, R., Haryono, T., Setiawan, A. I., Wahyudi, L., Amperawati, E. D., Pradianto, M. A., & Dwianto, A. (2025). Competitive Advantage and Innovation Capability: Can It Optimize the Export Marketing Performance of SMEs Coffee in Central Java Indonesia?. Journal of Management World, 2025(2), 151-158.