Cultural Aspects Influencing the Success of Change Management Projects

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Hertwig Meyer
Ralf Lorenz


The purpose of this paper is to provide research results of positive and negative correlations between the success of change projects and certain cultural characteristics in an organization. The first question is how to decide for a change attempt that fits to the organizational culture and how to manage change projects successfully within a given culture. The second question is the question, which methods and actions are suggestive once hindering and supporting aspects of an organizational culture are identified. The research within this project was conducted in basically two steps thus combining qualitative and quantitative methods. A set of relevant characteristics was identified and further investigated in the quantitative second step of the project. During the second step an online survey with more than five hundred of executives and consultants was conducted. The findings provide a valid starting point for change managers who would like to asses cultural aspects concerning their projects.

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How to Cite
Meyer, H., & Lorenz, R. (2021). Cultural Aspects Influencing the Success of Change Management Projects. Journal of Management World, 2021(3), 116-125.

How to Cite

Meyer, H., & Lorenz, R. (2021). Cultural Aspects Influencing the Success of Change Management Projects. Journal of Management World, 2021(3), 116-125.