Ethical Challenges and Opportunities for AI in Accounting Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis
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The manifestation of artificial intelligence in audiology presents new potential to revolutionize the practices by increasing effectiveness and decreasing error in automation of tasks. Nevertheless, this technological advancement is not without large ethical concerns such as wrongful bias, opaqueness and privacy invasion. This study aims at identifying some of the argued ethical dilemmas and possibilities regarding Artificial Intelligence application in accounting profession particularly on aspects of accuracy, transparency & decision making. The issue seeks to come up with a timely, responsible and strategic suggestion on the implementation of the AI in accounting profession. These ethical dimensions of professional scepticism are examined in this study with both quantitative data collected from 15 accounting firms and qualitative information obtained from 30 industry professionals. The study shows that AI decreases error and enhances the effectiveness of various tasks, however it introduces important bring up ethical concerns which should be solved to avoid the loss of actors’ confidence. This paper highlights the need to incorporate ethical approaches when adopting AI technology, to improve the data protection measures in use, and finally to encourage inter-professional cooperation to realize the positive aspects of AI integration humanely.