The Influence of Work Quality Dysfunction, Organizational Role, and Accountability on Performance

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Intan Shaferi
Rio Dhani Laksana
Alisa Tri Nawarini
Ekaningtyas Widiastuti


Organizational performance in public services by government agencies, requires excellent service quality. Without quality, the organization will lose its best performance. However, there was a possibility that the function will not be as expected, causing dysfunction in the quality of work. The role of the organization was very important in supporting organizational performance. In this case, there are internal and external factors in the organization. This research raises accountability as an intervening variable that bridges how these factors influence the performance of public organizations, where accountability provides transparency resulting in healthy performance. The research was conducted on two hundred employees of public organizations in government agencies in West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta Special Region and East Java. The data collection research period was August 2023. The analysis was carried out using a structural equation model. The research results show that work quality dysfunction has no effect on organizational performance either directly or indirectly. Meanwhile, the role of organizations supports organizational performance both directly and indirectly through accountability. Accountability gives a better role to external organizational factors which have an indirect positive influence on organizational performance compared to their direct influence. The research uses a model with the intervening variable accountability policy. where this model will reveal the more dominant organizational factors that can be applied to produce good performance.

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How to Cite
Shaferi, I., Laksana, R. D., Nawarini, A. T., & Widiastuti, E. (2025). The Influence of Work Quality Dysfunction, Organizational Role, and Accountability on Performance. Journal of Management World, 2025(2), 615-622.

How to Cite

Shaferi, I., Laksana, R. D., Nawarini, A. T., & Widiastuti, E. (2025). The Influence of Work Quality Dysfunction, Organizational Role, and Accountability on Performance. Journal of Management World, 2025(2), 615-622.