Why People Intent to Use P2P Lending? A Systematic Literature Review
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This study aims to provide an overview of why people intent to use P2P lending by using a systematic literature review approach based on the results of previous studies that have been conducted by researchers on the Scopus database. This research uses qualitative methods and a literature study approach. The data source in this study was taken from the Scopus database with the keyword “peer-to-peer lending” OR “P2P lending” AND intention” with the publication year of 2011-2024. After applying a set of criteria, 68 articles were used in subsequent analyses. All selected articles are manually read and coded to get some identifiable information from each article. The information includes country setting, journal quality, research method, theories applied in research, and research findings. The reported results are discussed based on theme clusters using bibliometric analysis to classify articles based on the similarity of the authors keywords. Intention to use P2P lending is influenced by a combination of trust, risk perception, ease of use, personal innovativeness, and social factors. Trust and risk perception play an important role in shaping positive attitudes towards the platform, while factors such as ease of use and government support may influence intention indirectly. So future researchers can consider these factors in examining the intention to use P2P lending. This study relies on research in P2P lending literature in the Scopus database. Future studies can combine with the Web of Science database to expand generalization. Research related to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending based on previous publications in the Scopus database shows that this topic is still relatively rare as the focus of academic studies. This indicates a great opportunity to fill the research gap in this field, especially to dig deeper into the motivations and factors that drive individuals intention to use P2P Lending services.