Author Guidelines

Manuscripts Submission
All manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word based on the template file and submitted via email to the managing editor at: 

The journal is published in English. Manuscripts are submitted primarily in English, which must be clear, grammatically correct and of a sufficient standard to allow reviewers to be able to assess the manuscript. If the standard of English expression is poor, the manuscript may be returned to authors without peer-review.

Journal of Management World recommends that all authors who are not native English speakers ask a native English speaker, English-department personnel, or a professional language-editing service to review their manuscript before submission. This is not mandatory but will help ensure that journal editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of the article.

Illustrations should be submitted electronically and should be clearly marked. When necessary, crops, horizontal or vertical orientation, enlargement of details, etc. should be indicated. The preferred format for illustrations files is TIFF (or EPS for maps), but a high-resolution JPG will also be acceptable. Line drawings should have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi [dots per inch], black and white or full color illustrations should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Files should be the size of the original or sized to the approximate size of reproduction. Please note that if you wish to include copyrighted material, you should seek permission (in writing) from the copyright holder.

Full articles should be between 4,000 and 10,000 words in length, including abstract. Shorter articles, such as book reviews should be about 1,000 words.

Spell out numbers to twenty, thereafter use numerals, except at the beginning of a sentence. Do not mix words and numbers (use “from 6 to 60”).

Region Names
Use lower case for general regions, or areas such as northern Europe, but the West, the South. Capitalize terms referring to a definite area, region or country, South Africa, Northern Ireland, South Korea, South America.

Style and Format
Each article should consist of: Title, Authors’ full names, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, References, and Figures/Tables.

The title should describe the content of the article concisely and clearly to facilitate searching by third-party services. Do not use the same main title with numbered minor titles, even for a series of papers by the same authors. Do not use abbreviations in the title, except those used generally in related fields.

Provide the full names of the author(s). The corresponding author should be indicated with a dagger mark.

Provide the full names and addresses of institutions (including laboratory, department, institute and/or university, city, state and country). When authors belong to more than one institution, their respective addresses should be indicated by superscript asterisks.

A maximum of six keywords should be provided.

Each abbreviation should be defined in parentheses together with its non-abbreviated term when it first appears in the text (except in the Title and Abstract).

The Abstract should clearly express the content of the paper in a single paragraph and include the question being addressed, experimental approach, main results and outcomes, and conclusions. Abstracts should be 200–250 words. Avoid using specific abbreviations.

The Introduction should provide enough background information to allow the reader to understand the purpose of the investigation and its relationship with other research in related fields. It should not be an extensive literature review.

The description of the methods should be brief, but sufficiently detailed to allow the experiments to be repeated.

This section includes a description of the main, notable or interesting results of the research. Tables and figures, including photographs, can be used to present the experimental results. Long explanations of the data presented in tables and figures are not necessary.

The Discussion section provides authors with the opportunity to present their interpretation of the results. Novel models or hypotheses may be proposed in this section only if they are supported by the results obtained in the experiments. Avoid repeating descriptions of the experimental results in this section.

The Conclusion should summarize the key points of the manuscript in a concise paragraph.

Titles, Subtitles and Headings
Titles, subtitles and text subheadings should be selected for succinctness and interest.

This section should be brief. Authors should list all funding sources for their work in the Acknowledgements.

A title and caption must be provided above each table. The caption should be brief, but informative, complete and clear.

A title and caption must be provided below each figure. Figure captions should include enough experimental or other detail to make the figures easily interpretable.

Articles, chapters published in journals, preprints, books, and other formats such as technical reports, patents, websites, and lectures must be fully referenced in the References section. The use of any other materials or personal communications should be described in the text. Please do not use footnotes.

   Journal article:
Surname, F.M. (2021). Title of the article. 
Title of Journal 1(2): 1-10. (doi – where available)

Surname1, F.M., & Surname2, F.M. (2022). Title of the article. Title of Journal 1(2): 10-11. (doi – where available)

Surname1, F.M., Surname2, F.M., & Surname3, F.M. (2023). Title of the article. Title of Journal 1(2): 100-111. (doi – where available)

Surname, F.M. (2000). 
Book title. City: Publisher.

Surname, F.M. (1904). Book title (Translated from Language by F.M. Translator). City: Publisher.

   Book chapter:
Surname, F.M. (1999). Title of the chapter. In F.M. Editor (Ed.), 
Book title (pp. 49-69). City: Publisher.

Surname, F.M. (2000). Title of the chapter. In F.M. Editor1, & F.M. Editor2 (Eds.), Book title (pp. 88-99). City: Publisher.

Surname, F.M. (2001). Title of the chapter. In F.M. Editor1, F.M. Editor2, & F.M. Editor3 (Eds.), Book title (pp. 100-111). City: Publisher.

   Internet source:
Surname, F.M. (2010). Title of Internet article.

   Conference paper:
Surname1, F., Surname2, F., Surname3, F., & Surname4, F. (2012). Title of the conference paper. 
Title of the Conference (pp. 100-111). (doi – where available)

   Doctoral (PhD/Master’s) thesis:
Surname, F.M. (2000). Title of thesis. Doctoral (PhD/Master’s) thesis, University, City, Country.

Acceptance Criteria and Editorial Decisions
If a manuscript satisfies the journal’s requirements and represents a significant contribution to the published literature, the Editors may accept the publication in the journal. The following criteria are used to assess the suitability of manuscripts for publication:

1) Originality and Novelty
Each submitted manuscript is evaluated for novelty and originality in the relevant field of research. Editors assess if the manuscript presents original scholarship and data and draws valid and significant conclusions.

2) Usefulness
Editors make judgements about a manuscript’s contribution to the management science development; potential and possible applications; and implications for broader societal benefit. In addition, they determine if the authors have attended to these issues in the best way possible.

3) Academic Rigor
Editors judge the scientific or academic rigor of each submitted manuscript. Journal of Management World
 only publishes manuscripts that are within the subject scope of the journal, demonstrably rigorous, and within academic norms, and that make valid and defensible conclusions.

4) Overall Standards
The overall standards of a submitted manuscript – that is, the quality of its data, figures and tables, writing, and citations – must be high.

Accepted Manuscripts
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication are copyedited and typeset by the journal’s production team before publication. All communication regarding accepted manuscripts is with the corresponding author.

When a manuscript is accepted, authors must submit the final manuscript files and required materials to the Editorial Office via email. Full instructions will be provided in the notification of acceptance.

Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author, who should check and return them within one week. Only essential corrections to typesetting errors or omissions are accepted; excessive changes are not permitted at the proofing stage.

The journal recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of published literature.
A published article that contains an error may be corrected through the publication of an Erratum. Errata describe errors that significantly affect the scientific integrity of a publication, the reputation of the authors, or the journal itself. Authors who wish to correct a published article should contact the Editorial Office with full details of the error(s) and their requested changes. In cases where co-authors disagree over a correction, the Editor-in-Chief may consult the Editorial Board or external peer-reviewers for advice. If an Erratum is published, any dissenting authors will be noted in the text. The decision to publish Errata is made at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

A published article that contains invalid or unreliable results or conclusions, has been published elsewhere, or has infringed codes of conduct (covering research or publication ethics) may be retracted. Individuals who believe that a published article should be retracted are encouraged to contact the journal’s Editorial Office with full details of their concerns. The Editor-in-Chief will investigate further and contact the authors of the published article for their response. In cases where co-authors disagree over a retraction, the Editor-in-Chief may consult the Editorial Board or external peer-reviewers for advice. If a Retraction is published, any dissenting authors will be noted in the text. The decision to publish Retractions is made at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.