Antecendents and Concequence Straregic Entrepreneur
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This study aims to develop a strategic entrepreneur model so that it can realize sustainable competitive advantage. The respondents of this study are the leaders of the Indonesian batik SME industry. The sampling method uses purposive sampling technique, then the number of samples of this study is 150 respondents. The analysis technique of this study uses The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS software. The results of the study show that six hypotheses proposed are supported by empirical data, The results of the study show that eight hypotheses proposed are supported by empirical data. However, one third hypothesis proposed is not supported by empirical data, namely entrepreneur culture does not have a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage. The first and second hypotheses of strategic entrepreneurs which include opportunity exploration and entrepreneur mindset have a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage. Then the fourth, fifth and sixth hypotheses networking have a significant effect on strategic entrepreneurs (entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneur culture and opportunity exploration). And the seventh, eighth and ninth hypotheses risk taking have a significant effect on strategic entrepreneurs (entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneur culture and opportunity exploration).