Human Resources Management and Creative Talent Management through Wise Leadership: Suggested Framework

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Raed Awashreh
Hisham Al Ghunaimi


The study delves into the critical linkage of Human Resource Management, creative talent management, and wise leadership in driving innovation, creativity, and long-term organizational success through an integrated holistic approach. The paper develops a complete theoretical framework, synthesizing secondary data through, among others, peer-reviewed academic articles and case studies, adding the authors' professional experiences of the last twenty years in a manner that aligns the goals of the organization with the HR practices while maintaining nurturance for creativity and wise leadership. The research points out the important lacuna in the existing literature, which has been dealing with HRM, creative talent management, and leadership in isolation, hence fragmented. The findings indicate that an integrated approach is imperative, especially in innovation-intensive sectors like academia, technology, and media. This may call for a paradigm shift in viewing HRM as being proactive enough to develop innovation and employee-empowerment initiatives. Although based on secondary data, the study makes a valuable theoretical contribution with practical recommendations for the organizational adoption of HRM strategies that foster sustainable creativity. It pinpoints several implications for both social and institutional contexts and calls for further research in order to explore these concepts in diverse organizational and cultural settings

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How to Cite
Awashreh, R., & Ghunaimi, H. A. (2024). Human Resources Management and Creative Talent Management through Wise Leadership: Suggested Framework. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 210-217.

How to Cite

Awashreh, R., & Ghunaimi, H. A. (2024). Human Resources Management and Creative Talent Management through Wise Leadership: Suggested Framework. Journal of Management World, 2024(4), 210-217.