Reevaluation of Local Fiscal Multipliers in China


  • Ming Li Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing
  • Degang Li Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing


Reassessment of the Fiscal Multipliers
Domestic Consumption and Investment
Fiscal Policy
Public Spending
Public Administration


The recent global financial crisis has renewed interest in the long-standing question of the size of fiscal multipliers. In this paper, we employ a peculiar feature of the allocation mechanism of China's intergovernmental transfers that triggers exogenous variations on local public spending: National Poor Counties (NPCs) designated by the central government enjoy preferential treatments in receiving central-local earmarked transfers. We construct an instrument variable to identify the multiplier. We find that the effects of local government spending on local output mainly concentrate on the non-tradable sector. We also find that local public expenditure has striking effects on stimulating investment but has negligible effects on in-county consumption. A puzzling feature of our results is that the estimated local fiscal multiplier is at the low-end of existing estimates.


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How to Cite

Li, M., & Li, D. (2021). Reevaluation of Local Fiscal Multipliers in China. Journal of Management World, 2021(1), 49–58.


